Undergraduate Summer Internship
The Bobst Center provides limited support for especially promising internships on topics related to peace and justice. Eligibility is limited to juniors in the Princeton University Department of Politics. Internships must be related to politics and be unpaid, full-time, and last at least eight weeks. Additional details with specific requirements can be found in SAFE under "Summer Internship Funding for Politics Juniors”. The deadline to apply for summer internship funding is Thursday, April 11 at 11:59 PM.
Examples of internships the Bobst Center has supported include:
- summer jobs with peace-related programs at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
- the Department of State
- conflict resolution NGOs
- human rights organizations overseas
In rare instances, the Bobst Center may provide small grants to Princeton undergraduates for important projects related to the work of the Center. As a general rule, it does not support travel to meetings, although it may do so if a student is presenting a paper that contains original research and has considerable merit.
No student may receive Bobst Center funding more than twice during his or her academic career.
Co-Sponsorship of Student Events
The Bobst Center may occasionally contribute funding to help Princeton University student organizations cover the costs of outside speakers, colloquia or research on questions related to peace and justice. Please provide a short proposal that briefly describes the activity and its relationship to peace and justice, explains the significance of the work, indicates other sponsors and provides a detailed budget. Proposals should be submitted to [email protected] with the subject line Student Group Funding Request.
Those who win Bobst support will be asked to include the Bobst Center for Peace and Justice as a sponsor on any promotional materials for the event and provide a written statement about how they used the center’s resources and about what they accomplished.