The Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice is organizing a two day workshop on Cities, Inequality, and Electoral Politics, to be held on the campus of Princeton University. Conveners are Rafaela Dancygier, director of the Bobst Program on Identities and Institutions, and Tali Mendelberg, director of the Bobst Program on Inequality.
This workshop will bring together scholars who are undertaking research on urbanization, urban inequalities, and their impacts on politics in developed and developing countries. Of primary interests are questions such as: What are the electoral consequences of rising income inequality and gentrification in cities? How does rural-to-urban migration shape politics and social norms? When and how do urban-rural divides influence elections?
This event is by invitation only, no unsolicited papers will be accepted.
More information can be found on the workshop website.