December 3, 2016 @ 7:30 pm - December 4, 2016 @ 6:00 pm

The Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice supports and endorses the non-profit organization Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom as they hold their 2016 Muslim-Jewish Women’s Leadership Conference.
Register today while seats are still available!
Join hundreds of women this December 4th for the third annual Sisterhood Of Salaam Shalom Muslim Jewish Women’s Leadership conference at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey.
Doors open at 8:30 am for sign in and coffee hour. The conference will begin promptly at 10am.
During this transformative day, you will have the chance to:
Meet other Muslim and Jewish women from throughout the United States
Learn from the Muslim and Jewish female leaders who are changing the world
Share in best practices on Muslim-Jewish dialogue and relationship development
Participate in workshops (a selection of over 20 options) facilitated by leaders in interfaith dialogue end engagement
Develop skills in order to become a stronger advocate of building relationships between Muslims and Jews
Learn what you can do to stop anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish acts of hate
SCHOLARSHIPS: Contact [email protected] for scholarship information
PRESENTERS: (list subject to change)
Rana Abdelhamid (How to Use Self Defense When we are Vulnerable)
Shagufta Ahmed and Brenda Schaffer (Building Bridges Trip Experience and the upcoming trip to Azerbaijan)
Salma Hasan Ali (Storytelling)
Nadia Ansary (Overview of How to Recognize Bullying and How to Prevent it)
Rabbi Justus Baird (Background on Entering into Difficult Conversations)
Robi Damelin (Keynote Presenter from The Parent’s Circle)
Rabbi Amy Eilberg (Keynote Presenter: The Power of Faith in Interfaith Engagement)
Mirele Goldsmith (Green Deen and Tikkun Olam: Sustaining our Environment Together)
Mona Haydar (Poetry and the Inte -Spiritual Movement)
Sharida Hosein and Janet Penn (Interfaith Youth Engagement)
Rabbi Marisa James and Kat Vizcaino (text study)
Arzu Kaya-Uranli (Entering into Interfaith Dialogue and Engagement)
Amber Khan (Keynote Presenter from Women for Women International)
Daisy Khan ( Community guide on Preventing Extremist narratives)
Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer and Dr. Homayra Ziad (text study)
Rabbi Rachel Grant Meyer (Responding to the Refugee Crisis)
Amanda Quraishi (Using Social Media for Peace)
Sameera Qureshi ( Faith Based Response to Domestic Abuse)
Symi Rom Rymer and Ambreen Shaffie (Workshop for Chapter Co-Leaders)
Joyce Schriebman (Overview of “How to talk to just about anyone about Israel-Palestine.”)
Zarinah Shakir (M.C.)
Renee Silverman (Refugee Kids Film Screening)
Abby Stamelman Hocky (Philadelphia’s Response to the Anti-Islamic Campaign)
Milana Vayntrub ( Keynote Presenter: Actress and founder “CAN’T DO NOTHING”)
Dilnaz Waraich (Empowering Women Through the Growth Mindset)
Presentation of Salaam Shalom award to Zaid and Haifa Kurdieh
Rabbi Amy Eilberg “From Enemy to Friend”
Sabeeha Rehman “Threading My Prayer Rug”
SATURDAY SOCIAL: There will be a special social get together the evening before the conference, on Saturday, December 3 at 7:30 PM. We’ll gather at the Madison Hotel.
HOUSING: Rooms have been reserved at a special rate at the Madison Hotel. When you call, please specify the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom when making reservations. Please consider sharing rooms to help defray hotel costs.
TRANSPORTATION: Easily accessible via train or bus and close to Newark Airport. To view driving directions click here
PARTNERS: The Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom Muslim Jewish Women’s Leadership Conference is a joint partnership with the Drew University Center on Religion, Culture and Conflict. In addition the conference is co-sponsored by the Foundation For Ethnic Understanding (FFEU) Women’s Weekend of Twinning.
Please note that we are not able to offer refunds once you have purchased your ticket.
See you December 4th!
QUESTIONS: email [email protected]