Junior Scholars Book Development Workshop

Nov 11, 2016


Event Description

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The Project on Middle East Political Science is pleased to announce its fifth annual Junior Scholars Book Development Workshop held at Princeton University on November 11, 2016. Presenters have already been selected. They are all post-PhD and pre-tenure and have completed a first book manuscript focusing on any aspect of the contemporary politics of the broader Middle East. Each manuscript will be discussed in depth by at least two senior colleagues. The goal of the discussion is to prepare the manuscript for submission to an appropriate press.


 Yael Zeira, University of Mississippi.  “Coordinating Dissent: Mass Institutions and Unarmed Resistance in Palestine”

  • Discussants: Mark BeissingerPrinceton University and Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, University of Maryland


Shamiran Mako, Northeastern University. “The Institutional Legacies of Exclusion and Ethnic Conflict in Iraq”

  • Discussants: Johanna Birnir, University of Maryland and Joseph Sassoon, Georgetown University


Steven Brooke, University of Louisville. “Social Service Provision and the Islamist Electoral Advantage”          

  • Discussants: Julie Chernov Hwang, Goucher College Daniel Corstange, Columbia University


Katharina Lenner, University of  Bath. “Policy-Shaping and its Limits: The Politics of Poverty Alleviation in Jordan”

  • Discussants: Anne Marie Baylouny, Naval Postgraduate School and Leonard Wantchekon, Princeton University


Lauren Baker, POMEPS
[email protected]